Shareholder FAQs

The shares are traded on the regulated market of Euronext Paris.

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VusionGroup’s headquarters are located at:

55 Place Nelson Mandela, CS 60106,
92024 Nanterre Cedex,

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VusionGroup follows a 12-month fiscal year that closes on December 31st of each year.

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As of December 31, 2024, VusionGroup had 16,071,708 shares outstanding.

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The Company has four large direct and indirect strategic shareholders:

  • BOE Smart Retail (Hong Kong), which holds 32% of the capital and voting rights of the Company;
  • SESIM, the French holding company owned by the management and employees of VusionGroup, which holds 12% of the Company's capital and voting rights;
  • E Ink (Yuanhan Materials, Inc.), the owner of the global patents for e-Paper technology, which holds 5.5% of the Company's capital and voting rights; and
  • Qualcomm, which acquired 2% ownership of the company’s capital and voting rights when it signed a strategic partnership agreement in 2019 intended to develop the next generation of IoT connectivity solutions for retail.

VusionGroup’s approximately 49% of free float is comprised of many institutional investors, family offices and individuals in France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan.

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For the first time in its history, at its annual shareholder meeting which took place on June 19th 2024, VusionGroup adopted the payment of a cash dividend of €0.30 per share.

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You can access all of our financials by visiting the Regulated Information section on this website.

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To get all the information related to our shareholder’s meeting, you can visit our Shareholders Meeting page.

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Olivier Gernandt

Investor Relations Officer

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General FAQs

VusionGroup supports retail management and brands with sustainable technologies for human-centered commerce.

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As of 2023, VusionGroup employed 850 employees around the world.

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In 2022, 35,000 stores were equipped with VusionGroup ESL solutions, representing a total of 350 million electronic shelf labels and 4 billion Cloud interactions per year.

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As of 2023, VusionGroup had 25 offices in 18 countries.

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